Two Types of Life Insurance

There are two main kinds of life insurance. Each has its pros and cons. Both are good insurance products that can help you leave something behind to your family members after you’re gone. This is especially important when people are financially dependent on you. If you don’t have life insurance or want more, call us at Freeland Insurance in Oklahoma City, OK.

Whole Life Insurance

This insurance is named Whole Life because it covers you for your whole life. There is no expiration date for this type of policy. It will continue once you get the policy and keep paying for it as agreed. When you stay current with the premiums, the insurance company can’t cancel the policy. Many people get peace of mind knowing they have a policy that will last for life, no matter how old they become. This type of life insurance also has another great benefit. Over time, it builds up a cash value. This is a perk that can also bring peace of mind. It’s an amount you can borrow against if you need to. Having this amount available in case of a financial emergency is helpful. 

Term Life Insurance

When you have a term life insurance policy, it comes with an expiration date. The policy is good for a specific number of years, and then it ends. However, this type of insurance comes with the benefit of being much more affordable. Many choose this policy because it fits their budget better than a whole life policy’s price. 

Get Your Life Insurance Policy

When you’re in the market for life insurance, we can help. Call us at Freeland Insurance in Oklahoma City, OK to learn more and get started. 

What Does Commercial Insurance Cover?

The agents at Freeland Insurance serving the Oklahoma City, OK area want all Oklahoma business owners to know about the importance of having a commercial insurance policy in place to protect the investment they have made in their businesses.

Oklahoma Commercial Insurance Requirements

All drivers in the state of Oklahoma need to have a minimum amount of auto liability insurance, including the drivers and vehicles that are owned by your company or used for business purposes. Also, in Oklahoma, businesses with one or more full or part-time employees must have worker’s compensation insurance. This type of insurance will assist your employees in paying for their medical bills and other associated costs with a work-related injury or illness.

Commercial Liability Insurance Coverage

Commercial liability insurance is very important since it is designed to protect your business in various ways. For example, if someone takes a spill at your business and is injured, this type of insurance will help pay their medical bills and maybe even their lost wages due to their injury. This type of insurance also comes in handy if you are ever sued for copyright infringement, slander, or libel.

Commercial Property Insurance

Commercial property insurance can assist you in replacing your inventory and even your building if it is damaged or destroyed by some unusual event. From acts of vandalism and natural disasters to fires and even thefts, commercial insurance will help you recover any lost inventory.

Contact Freeland Insurance

Contact the experienced agents at Freeland Insurance serving the Oklahoma City, OK area today to get your commercial insurance policy started and give your business the protection it deserves.

Why do Oklahoma residents and property owners need home insurance?

All people in the Oklahoma City area should consider purchasing their own home. If you buy a property in this region, you will want to know that you also have the proper insurance for it. There are multiple reasons why a typical property owner in this area must have a home insurance plan at all times for their property. 

Protect Dwelling 

An important reason to have a home insurance plan is to protect your dwelling. If you are going to buy a home, you will want to know that it is covered in the event of a fire, bad storm, or other covered claim. With home insurance, you will have support in these situations. The insurance plan will also support your personal items within your policy limits. 

Comply with Requirements

Getting home insurance would also be a good idea as it will ensure you can comply with your requirements. Many people that own a home in Oklahoma City will take out a mortgage, and others will live in a home association. In either situation, you will be required to carry insurance for your home. If you carry a full insurance plan, it will ensure you are in good standing with such obligations. 

If you decide to buy a home when you are in the Oklahoma City, OK area, you will want to know that you have the right home insurance in place. As you are evaluating your options, calling our office would be a great idea. Our insurance team at Freeland Insurance can offer any support you need to build a proper plan and stay covered at all times. 

Vehicle Safety Features and Their Impact on Auto Insurance

As technology advances, modern vehicles are equipped with a wide range of safety features designed to protect drivers, passengers, and pedestrians. At Freeland Insurance in Oklahoma City, OK, we understand the impact of these vehicle safety features on auto insurance and how they can potentially lead to savings on your premiums while simultaneously enhancing your peace of mind.

Vehicle safety features can play a significant role in determining your auto insurance premiums. Advanced safety technology, such as anti-lock brakes, adaptive cruise control, lane departure warnings, and collision avoidance systems, can help reduce the likelihood of accidents and insurance claims. In this ever-evolving landscape, many insurance companies recognize the benefits of these safety features and may offer discounts or incentives to policyholders who drive vehicles equipped with them. Collaborating with an informed agent at Freeland Insurance in Oklahoma City, OK, enables you to comprehend the prospective discounts tied to vehicle safety features and select the optimal blend of coverage fitting your distinct requirements as a driver. Our agents will help you assess your risks and identify the best solutions to protect you, your vehicle, and your wallet.

Understanding the impact of vehicle safety features on auto insurance is essential to ensuring you have the proper protection at the best possible price. If you want to learn more about auto insurance and how Freeland Insurance can help you find the perfect policy in the Oklahoma City, OK area, don’t hesitate to contact our offices. Our commitment is unwavering in offering customized insurance strategies that ensure the protection of you, your vehicle, and your loved ones during your journeys. Our goal is to fortify your peace of mind, knowing that safety is our utmost priority.

Vehicle Safety Features and Their Impact on Auto Insurance

As technology advances, modern vehicles are equipped with a wide range of safety features designed to protect drivers, passengers, and pedestrians. At Freeland Insurance in Oklahoma City, OK, we understand the impact of these vehicle safety features on auto insurance and how they can potentially lead to savings on your premiums while simultaneously enhancing your peace of mind.

Vehicle safety features can play a significant role in determining your auto insurance premiums. Advanced safety technology, such as anti-lock brakes, adaptive cruise control, lane departure warnings, and collision avoidance systems, can help reduce the likelihood of accidents and insurance claims. In this ever-evolving landscape, many insurance companies recognize the benefits of these safety features and may offer discounts or incentives to policyholders who drive vehicles equipped with them. Collaborating with an informed agent at Freeland Insurance in Oklahoma City, OK, enables you to comprehend the prospective discounts tied to vehicle safety features and select the optimal blend of coverage fitting your distinct requirements as a driver. Our agents will help you assess your risks and identify the best solutions to protect you, your vehicle, and your wallet.

Understanding the impact of vehicle safety features on auto insurance is essential to ensuring you have the proper protection at the best possible price. If you want to learn more about auto insurance and how Freeland Insurance can help you find the perfect policy in the Oklahoma City, OK area, don’t hesitate to contact our offices. Our commitment is unwavering in offering customized insurance strategies that ensure the protection of you, your vehicle, and your loved ones during your journeys. Our goal is to fortify your peace of mind, knowing that safety is our utmost priority.

Three myths about financial services

Taking advantage of financial services is vital for optimizing your finances. At Freeland Insurance, we offer financial services to consumers in Oklahoma City, OK. 

There are a lot of myths out there that consumers need to be aware of about financial services. The following are three myths about financial services. 

Financial services only advise customers about investments.

While investment advising is an important part of what financial services providers do, this is not the only type of assistance you can get from a financial services company.

Financial service providers also help with other financial issues such as debt management, real estate negotiations, banking decisions, and much more. 

There are a lot of hidden fees when you hire financial services providers.

Some people assume that there are always a lot of unexpected fees that come up when they hire financial services providers. However, an excellent financial services company will advise you on all fees before you sign a contract or use their services to avoid surprises down the road.

It’s easy for you to take care of all your financial needs yourself. 

Making financial decisions yourself can be challenging and stressful. Making the wrong decision about investments, borrowing, or other issues could cost you down the road. 

You can be more confident that you’re making the right financial decisions when hiring a professional financial services provider. This will make building your savings easier and minimize your debt over time. 

If you want to learn more about ways to improve your finances, you can find financial services available in Oklahoma City, OK. Get in touch with us at Freeland Insurance to learn more about the services we provide. 

I have commercial insurance already. Do I really need umbrella insurance?

It’s safe to say that most business owners are concerned about protecting their assets. No one goes into business to lose what they’re working for and towards. As a result, business or commercial insurance is designed to provide protection for business owners who want to protect their assets. Like many insurance policies, business insurance is designed to meet a business’s unique needs and preferences. It can be customized, unlike a one-size fits all approach to insurance. Our Oklahoma City, OK team at Freeland Insurance is dedicated to helping business owners understand commercial/business insurance and get the necessary coverage. 

What are the Benefits of Commercial Insurance?

Commercial insurance protects business owners against property damage, employee/worker injuries, liability claims, and theft. Other forms of benefits and protection can be added to a commercial business policy as well. Without commercial insurance, most businesses would be ill-prepared to deal with the financial constraints of property damage, theft, and medical injuries. 

I have commercial insurance already. Do I need umbrella insurance?

What is the difference between Commercial Insurance and Umbrella Insurance? Umbrella insurance is a form of commercial insurance. However, commercial business insurance is the primary insurance policy for a business owner/business. In contrast, umbrella insurance is secondary insurance designed to cover anything that exceeds a standard or primary insurance policy. These costs can include anything from property damage to liability and theft. At times, umbrella insurance can act as a primary insurance policy if the primary policy doesn’t cover a particular area of business or issue. Umbrella insurance will usually cover things that are uncovered by the primary commercial business policy. However, it’s best to understand what’s covered and what’s not for commercial business and umbrella insurance. If you have questions regarding umbrella insurance, call us. We’d be happy to answer all of your questions. 

Here’s Why Every Family Should Have Personal Injury Liability Insurance

For better or worse, personal injuries are common, and many families and organizations find themselves on the hook for expensive medical bills and legal costs. An injury to another party could become a serious threat to you and your family’s well-being. Taking out personal injury liability insurance makes it possible to protect your family and finances from some liabilities and risks.

Personal Injury Liability Insurance Explained

Personal injury liability insurance could provide coverage if someone is injured in or out of your home, and you are liable for that injury. Of course, examining each plan is crucial to determine what is and what is not covered. Policies may vary. Some personal injury liability insurance programs cover costs from injuries on and off your property. Some policies may extend coverage to all members of your household. Contact Freeland Insurance, serving Oklahoma City, OK, if you’d like to explore personal injury liability insurance.

Generally, personal injury liability insurance will provide coverage when the policyholder is liable for an injury. The policy owner may have failed to fix a railing on a stairwell or caused an accident, for example. If someone is hurt, personal injury liability insurance might pay medical bills, legal fees, lost income, and other costs.

Home and auto insurance may contain provisions and coverage for personal injury liabilities. However, talking with an insurance agent is crucial to ensure coverage is provided. Further, you may want to expand or increase coverage even if coverage is provided. This way, you can ensure that you are better protected against personal injuries.

Personal injury liability insurance may also be provided as part of an umbrella plan. Once again, however, it is crucial to study individual insurance plans to determine what is and is not covered. It may also be possible to take out personal injury protection (PIP) to cover the policyholder’s injuries. This way, if you get hurt, you may be covered.

Get in touch with Freeland Insurance, serving Oklahoma City, OK, if you’d like to discuss personal injury liability insurance.

Four Ways You Can Benefit from Health Insurance in Oklahoma City, OK

You never plan to get hurt or become ill. If it happens to you, getting the proper care can cost a lot of money. Without health insurance, you’ll pay for all expenses out of pocket. Learn four advantages of carrying health insurance. Schedule time to speak with the experienced agents at Freeland Insurance in Oklahoma City, OK, for advice on which plan would work best for you.

What Is Health Insurance?

Health Insurance helps to pay for medical care. Without it, you’d have to pay all the costs upfront. There’s usually a deductible, or amount you pay before coverage begins, and the policy will list the types of care and procedures covered.

Advantages of Health Insurance

Here are four advantages to having health insurance. First, health insurance often pays for both preventative and emergency care. Therefore, it helps you maintain your health and recover from illness and accidents simultaneously. Second, it shields you from unexpected medical costs. Third, you save on care when you choose in-network providers. Fourth, most plans include preventive care, such as screenings, check-ups, and vaccines, even before you have paid the deductible.

HMO vs. PPO vs. EPO

A Health Maintenance Organization or HMO provides health services through an established list of healthcare providers and facilities. With an HMO, you have less paperwork and less freedom to choose your providers. For example, a network primary care doctor refers you to network-approved specialists.

With a Preferred Provider Organization or PPO, you’ll pay more upfront to visit out-of-network providers. You won’t need a referral from your primary care physician to go to a specialist.

You can pick your providers if you choose an Exclusive Provider Organization or EPO. There’s no coverage for providers outside the network unless it’s an emergency. Additionally, EPOs are typically cheaper than HMOs.

Experienced Health Insurance Agents in Oklahoma City, OK 

Make an appointment with Freeland Insurance for answers to more of your health insurance questions. Our friendly, knowledgeable agents can help you make an informed decision for yourself and your family.

Should You Be Buying Bonds?

The stock market is a huge gamble. Cryptocurrency still feels too new. But you know investing your money is the smart thing to do. So, should you be buying bonds?

Why Choose Bonds?

Compared to other investments like stocks, bonds are a safe investment. This is because most bonds offer fixed coupon rates. You can also enjoy a short-term or long-term option, choosing to purchase bonds that mature in anywhere from one year to 30 years.

Buying bonds is also pretty easy. In fact, you can buy bonds directly from the federal government at the U.S. Treasury website.

Bond interest is paid twice a year, usually, except in the case of zero-interest bonds that mature after a pre-determined amount of time has passed. You can also re-sell bonds at any time to make a profit or to "cash out." 


There is no truly safe investment, nothing you can buy that will yield a definite return. But when it comes to investing, bonds are a less risky investment than some of the other options out there. To make your finances and your future even safer, turn to an insurance company like Freeland Insurance, serving Oklahoma City, OK. Insurance is one investment you can count on.

Insurance is the failsafe in life, the safety net. No matter how much money you have or how many investments you have, good insurance will help you when the unexpected happens. Markets crash. Recessions happen. The economy is unstable. But your investments and your finances don’t have to be. Companies like Freeland Insurance that serve the Oklahoma City, OK area provide you with the protection your need so you can make more investments in your own future.