Homeowners Insurance and Wind Damage

If you have lived in the Oklahoma City, OK, area for any period, you’ve likely experienced our intense spring and summer storms. Accompanied by lightning, heavy rain, and high winds, these storms are a common occurrence.

At Freelander Insurance, we assist our clients in managing the risks of these storms, including any losses that may occur during a tornado.

Which specific events does the wind portion of your homeowner’s policy cover?

When considering the consequences of high wind damage, most people first think of roof damage. However, high winds can also damage other aspects of a home, such as siding (wood, vinyl, and aluminum), doors, windows, and more.

High winds can also cause trees to fall, potentially causing damage, knocking down fences, damaging outbuildings, or causing damage from flying debris. If unsecured flying debris leads to an injury to someone, the liability portion of your homeowner’s insurance policy can be invaluable. For more information, please check your policy. 

Excluding your homeowner’s insurance deductible, each situation is likely covered under your primary homeowners’ insurance policy.

A note on flood insurance.

While your home insurance policy likely covers wind damage, you must be aware that it probably does not include associated flood damage. Flood insurance, a separate coverage, is managed through the Federal Government’s Flood Insurance Program. As more homes become susceptible to flooding, it’s an option that deserves consideration.

Contact us for a quote today.

For those living in the Oklahoma City, OK, area, we at Freeland Insurance encourage you to contact us. We can review your policy and ascertain your coverage and limits. If you wish, we can also provide a quote for new coverage.

Auto Insurance and Rental Vehicles

Auto insurance coverage often extends to rental vehicles, protecting drivers when renting cars for personal or business use in Oklahoma City, OK. Understanding the written policy is crucial for individuals considering renting a car and relying on their existing auto insurance policy.

Coverage Extension

Many auto insurance policies automatically extend coverage to rental vehicles, offering similar protection to what drivers have for their cars. This includes liability coverage for bodily harm and others’ vehicles or property, as well as damage to the rental vehicle in the event of an accident.

Comprehensive and Collision Coverage

In addition to liability coverage, drivers may have comprehensive and collision coverage extended to rental vehicles. This provides financial protection for damage to the rental car resulting from accidents, theft, vandalism, or other covered perils similar to their vehicle coverage.

Rental Car Insurance Options

While existing auto insurance policies may provide coverage for rental vehicles, rental car companies often offer additional options. These options include collision damage waivers (CDW), loss damage waivers (LDW), and supplemental liability insurance (SLI), which can provide additional coverage and peace of mind for renters.

Policy Limitations

Coverage may vary depending on the rental car’s type, location, and intended use, so you should contact the provider to explain the coverage details before renting a vehicle.

Credit Card Coverage

Credit card companies may have the option of providing rental car insurance coverage as an incentive or benefit to cardholders who use the card to pay for the rental. Depending on the terms and conditions, this coverage may supplement existing auto insurance coverage or provide primary coverage for rental vehicles.

Let Freeland Insurance Give You the Information

Freeland Insurance answers your auto insurance questions and serves the Oklahoma City, OK, region. Call us today for updated information.

Four Questions to Ask About Financial Services Insurance

As a financial services professional, you shoulder an enormous responsibility. Offering your clients security, value, and peace of mind is crucial. Equally crucial is protecting yourself while doing so, which is where financial services insurance becomes invaluable. If you’re operating in the Oklahoma City, OK area, our team at Freeland Insurance can assist in securing a policy that addresses your needs and provides optimal coverage for your company.

As you explore options, consider asking these four important questions:

  • Is this insurance necessary for all financial service professionals?
  • What kinds of policy options are available?
  • How frequently should a policy be updated?
  • Who can address my inquiries or concerns?

These questions provide a good starting point for learning about insurance options for financial services professionals. Remaining insured and protected is invaluable and brings peace of mind, allowing you to concentrate on assisting your clients on their financial journeys.

Working with our committed agents is ideal when you need answers and want to pick or update a policy. Whether you have just embarked on your career in the financial services sector or have been in the game for a while, securing a reliable insurance policy is of utmost importance.

You don’t have to pick a plan and hope it fits your needs. We can guide you by providing quotes from multiple insurers and helping you choose the best option.

If you’re in the Oklahoma City, OK, area and seeking financial services insurance, contact Freeland Insurance today. We’re committed to ensuring you’re well-protected and enjoy peace of mind.

Your Guide to Umbrella Insurance: What It Does

The Importance of Robust Liability Coverage with Umbrella Insurance

Residents and businesses in Oklahoma City, OK need robust liability coverage to protect against potential financial and legal issues. Our team at Freeland Insurance is here to help you find suitable umbrella insurance policies and guide you in making informed decisions to minimize risk.

Why You Need Umbrella Insurance

Addressing your company’s liability is crucial, especially if your operation involves hazardous work fields. An umbrella insurance policy can offer an additional layer of liability protection and safeguard from the following:

  • Additional liability concerns: Your other coverage might not cover everything, but umbrella insurance fills in the gaps.
  • Lawsuits: Regardless of the nature of lawsuits, you’re likely to need umbrella protection to cover any incurred fees.
  • High medical payments: If an injured person’s medical expenses are mounting, umbrella insurance can aid your business.
  • Property Damage Costs: Excessive property damage caused by your business or actions is less daunting with an umbrella policy that covers replacement costs.
  • Class Action Lawsuits: Large-scale class action lawsuits could threaten your financial health without the proper liability protection offered by umbrella insurance.

Note: For an umbrella insurance policy to take effect, it must be purchased separately; it doesn’t simply add on to your current policy but stands as its own form of coverage.

Freeland Insurance is Here for You

If you’re a resident of Oklahoma City, OK, and need umbrella insurance for your home or business, contact us at Freeland Insurance today to learn more about your options. We have years of experience in this field and will do everything possible to provide the support you need to protect yourself from lawsuits.

How Private Flood Insurance Policies Compare to the NFIP

Property owners in the Oklahoma City, OK, area face a critical decision in flood insurance: opt for the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) or explore private flood insurance options. Understanding the distinctions between the two is crucial for making an informed choice that aligns with individual needs.

Coverage Flexibility and Customization

One notable advantage of private flood insurance is the flexibility it offers. While NFIP has standardized coverage limits, private insurers provide room for customization. Property owners can tailor policies to meet specific needs, ensuring comprehensive coverage for both structural and personal property.

Competitive Pricing and Discounts

Private flood insurance often comes with competitive pricing structures, and property owners may find cost savings compared to NFIP premiums. Additionally, private insurers may offer discounts. This potential for savings can be appealing to those seeking budget-friendly options.

Expanded Coverage Options

Private flood insurance policies may go beyond the coverage limits of NFIP. This can include coverage for additional living expenses during displacement, landscaping, and outdoor amenities. Property owners looking for a more comprehensive protection plan may find private insurers better suited to their specific requirements.

Faster Claims Processing

In the event of a flood-related claim, private insurers often boast quicker claims processing times compared to the NFIP, primarily due to geographical locations. This efficiency can be crucial for property owners seeking prompt resolution and rebuilding after a flood event.

Consideration of Individual Risk Profiles

Private insurers assess individual risk profiles more intricately, considering factors such as property location, flood history, and mitigation efforts. This personalized approach enables property owners to obtain coverage that accurately reflects their unique risk circumstances.

How Freeland Insurance Can Help You

At Freeland Insurance, we can help answer questions concerning flood insurance. We serve the Oklahoma City, OK, area. Call us today.   

A New Year is a Great Time for New Health Insurance Coverage

Suppose you’re looking at your health insurance coverage and wondering when and if you should change it; a new year can be the perfect time. At Freeland Insurance, we want to help everyone in the Oklahoma City, OK, area get the quality healthcare policies they need and deserve. You don’t want to avoid having a health policy because you could face serious difficulties in the event of a medical problem. Fortunately, we can help you get the coverage you need.

Many health plans renew at the first of the year, but there are generally options for renewal into January and beyond. Additionally, certain qualifying events make it easier for you to get coverage even if you’re not in a period of open enrollment. Determining the level of coverage you need and which company would be best for you can feel confusing, but our agents are here to sort through any questions or concerns you have.

Then, you can get the answers you need to make an informed decision and have more peace of mind. There’s no reason to settle for less when you can get so much more by working with us for your healthcare coverage needs. The new year is the right time to assess your current coverage and whether it’s meeting your needs. Even if you’ve had the same policy for a long time, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s right for you.

Contact us at Freeland Insurance today if you’re in the Oklahoma City, OK, area and looking for health insurance updates or an entirely new policy. Whether you have coverage now or need to get started, we’re here to make things easier.

Four Questions to Ask Your Agent About Financial Services Insurance

If you’re in the financial services sector, you need to have the right insurance for proper protection, and Freeland Insurance is here to help. In the Oklahoma City, OK, area, there are a lot of companies and individuals providing services like investing and risk consulting. For many of those careers, you’ll need financial services insurance. Here are four of the biggest questions to ask your agent before you make your policy choice.

1. Does My Company or Business Require This Insurance?

Most businesses in the financial services industry will need this kind of protection. If you work for one, you may not have to get your own policy. It could be provided by your employer, instead. It’s best to clarify that with your company because you don’t want to leave yourself vulnerable to risk.

2. How Does This Protect Me?

This kind of policy protects you from any errors or omissions you make while working with clients in the financial sector. That way, you’re not personally liable if you make a mistake that affects the financial health of one of your clients. Your insurance policy will protect you.

3. Are There Different Coverage Options?

There are different coverage types and limits, and what they protect against will be at least partially based on your specific job title and the kind of company you work with. Because it’s very important to get the correct type of coverage, working with an agent is the best choice.

4. How Often Should I Update My Policy?

Most agents want you to update your insurance policies once per year or anytime you have a significant life event. If you’re in the Oklahoma City, OK area and need help with a financial services insurance policy, contact us at Freeland Insurance today.

Liability Insurance for Event Planners: Ensuring a Seamless Celebration

Planning and executing events in the Oklahoma City, OK area requires meticulous attention to detail, creativity, and a keen sense of organization. Umbrella insurance is crucial, providing additional protection to ensure a seamless celebration.

Understanding the Role of Umbrella Insurance

Umbrella insurance is liability coverage that exceeds the limits of traditional insurance policies. For event planners, it acts as a safety net, offering extra financial protection against unexpected events that could result in litigation.  

Coverage for Third-Party Injuries

Events often involve numerous attendees, vendors, and staff, increasing the potential for accidents. Umbrella insurance addresses:

  • Bodily Injury Claims: Provides coverage for medical expenses and legal costs if someone is injured during the event.
  • Property Damage Claims: Protects against damage to venues or third-party properties caused by the event.

Protecting Against Legal Liabilities

Event planners may face legal challenges stemming from various scenarios. Umbrella insurance addresses:

  • Libel or Slander Claims: Offers protection if event-related communications lead to defamation claims.
  • Advertising Liability Claims: Covers legal expenses related to advertising disputes or infringement allegations.

Enhancing Coverage for Comprehensive Protection

Umbrella insurance is designed to complement existing liability coverage. Event planners can customize their coverage to:

  • Increase Liability Limits: Extends coverage beyond the limits of primary insurance policies.
  • Fill Coverage Gaps: Addresses specific liability risks that standard policies may not fully cover.

Navigating Event-Specific Risks

Different events pose unique risks, and umbrella insurance can be tailored to address specific challenges:

  • Alcohol-Related Liabilities: Provides coverage for incidents involving alcohol consumption during events.
  • Vendor Disputes: Protects against legal challenges arising from disputes with event vendors.

Freeland Insurance Can Help You

At Freeland Insurance, we can help answer questions concerning umbrella insurance. We serve the Oklahoma City, OK area. Contact us today. 

The Worst Floods in American History

The United States is a land of natural wonders. Unfortunately, however, it is also a region that many dangerous weather events and natural disasters, including floods can impact. Since damage by floods often isn’t covered by standard home insurance plans, you may need to take out a flood insurance policy. Folks who live in or near Oklahoma City, OK should contact Freeland Insurance to learn more.

Let’s take a look at some of the worst floods in American history.

The Worst Floods to Strike America

Ultimately, human lives are far more valuable than property. The Johnstown Flood of 1889 didn’t cause as much property damage as some other floods, but it claimed the lives of more than 2,000 people, making it the deadliest flood in American history. Tragically, the same area was hit by flooding in 1977, and 84 people lost their lives.

More recently, the flooding caused by Hurricane Katrina in 2005 claimed 600 lives and generated more than $160 billion in damages. The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 is believed to have killed at least 500 people and resulted in more than 17 billion dollars in damages when adjusted for inflation. The following year, the St. Francis Dam failed near Los Angeles, causing a flood in the typically dry city. Roughly 430 people died.
In 1937, the Ohio River flood claimed roughly 385 lives. Heavy rains caused this flood and ultimately left more than a million people homeless. More recently, the Black Hills Flood of 1972 was also caused by heavy rains and claimed the lives of 238 people. 

Standard homeowner’s insurance may not cover the damage caused by flooding. Fortunately, however, you may be able to take out a flood insurance policy. This will protect your financial well-being from floods like those listed above. Want to discuss policy options? If you live near Oklahoma City, OK, visit Freeland Insurance.

Make Sure Your Health Insurance Includes These Things

Everyone needs health insurance, whether you live on the coast or in Oklahoma City. No matter what, it’s essential to have coverage for regular checkups and the other medical interventions you need.

But which insurance policy should you pick? They can feel so convoluted that it’s hard to be sure you’re getting the right stuff. To help you with that, we at Freeland Insurance have compiled this quick checklist to ensure your policy includes the things that matter to you the most.

Determine Your Health Insurance Network

Health insurance policies typically have an included network, and any healthcare provided outside that network is more expensive. This will vary by policy, but if your policy does outline a network, make sure your existing doctor is covered. If possible, make sure your local health network is covered. That should include your local hospital, lab provider, and any specialists you expect to need.

Find Your Medication

Similarly, medication coverage is all over the place from one plan to the next. The good news is that this abundance of variety allows you to select what is right for you. If you don’t have any existing prescriptions or underlying health conditions, you can save money and opt for thinner medication coverage. But, if you have a current prescription or condition, look for plans with better coverage for the things you already know you need.

Benefit from Health Insurnce Extras

The rest of what you include in your policy depends on your personal preferences and situation. There is no perfect, one-size-fits-all list. That said, there are a few things you can consider to help you think about what you want out of your insurance. Those things include family coverage for a spouse and children, shared deductibles across your family, coverage for non-essential procedures, and coverage for lab work and tests.

If you go through all of these ideas, you can get a policy that really does work for you, and you can avoid overspending on health insurance by ditching coverage that doesn’t work for you. Still, you might have more questions and thoughts, and that’s okay. You can contact your Freeland Insurance representative serving Oklahoma City, OK. You can have your questions answered directly to ensure you have the right insurance coverage.