When planning for your future, it may not be pleasant to think about how you will pass away someday. However, thinking about it can lead to thoughts of how to provide for the needs of those you leave behind. If you live near Oklahoma City, OK, you can learn more about life insurance at Freeland Insurance.
If you want to be sure the funds from your insurance policy are distributed as you choose, let your beneficiary know they are named on your policy. To ensure the beneficiary will be contacted after your death, update their address with the insurance company, if necessary. If a beneficiary passes away before you, choose another beneficiary as soon as possible.
Unclaimed Life Insurance Benefits
According to the Oklahoma Insurance Department, they become aware of millions of dollars in life insurance benefits that remain unclaimed yearly. The NAIC National Association of Insurance Commissioners) has established the Life Insurance Policy Locator. That program assists the State of Oklahoma in locating the recipients of these funds.
Since 2019, the Policy Locator has located and awarded funds of over $94,700,000 to over 4,800 beneficiaries. The Locator is a free online service offered by the Oklahoma Department of Insurance. If you believe you may be entitled to unclaimed insurance benefit funds, you can do so via the Oklahoma Department of Insurance website.
Call Freeland Insurance for Oklahoma Life Insurance Options
Choosing a life insurance plan isn’t always easy. At Freeland Insurance, we’ll take the time to explain your policy options and help you make decisions about beneficiaries. Oklahoma City, OK, residents can trust us to offer them the best possible coverage at a premium price that most can afford. Call us for an appointment today, and let’s talk about insurance.